Science Team 32

Linear regression analyzing and predicting the impact of humidity on the growth of fungi, specifically targeting a particular fungus, Agaricus bisporus, commonly known as a mushroom.


Fungi, which include yeasts, molds and mushrooms, have only been explored about one-tenth of the time. Some fungi cause disease while others are involved in human production or food. Understanding the effect of humidity on fungus growth can help in production. This study will provide an opportunity to investigate the influence of specific factors on the fungal growth rate. The selected factor in this study is environmental humidity, and the selected object is the oyster mushroom. Therefore, the research question is the influence of different ecological humidity on the growth of oyster mushrooms. Controlled experiments were designed to answer this question, using linear regression methods to analyze the relationship between humidity and fungal growth by tallying mushroom height, yield, and efficiency. There may be a positive correlation between humidity and fungal growth. The value of this study is to determine the effect of humidity on the growth of fungi, especially mushrooms. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of different humidity levels on the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom). By employing a controlled experimental design, our team are able to analyze the relationship between humidity and fungal growth, using a linear regression approach.The experimental groups were subjected to five different humidity levels: 30%, 35%, 55%, 65%, and 70%, while the control group was maintained at a constant relative humidity of 45%. The measurements taken to assess fungal growth included the total height of the mushroom, mushroom yield, and biological efficiency.


Jiahao Li (Peter) is currently studying in the university of British Columbia in Vantage Science Program. He is intended to major in computer science. Meanwhile, his main hobbies are playing basketball and work out during the free time.

Zhirun Li(Anna) is a student in UBC year 1 of science, she wants to study in the department of biology and chemistry in the future. In the out of school, she really love climbing, swimming and eat out with her friends because she is a foodie.

Matthew Lyu is working toward majoring in Computer science which relatives to his interests of working with computers and codes, and also relatives to the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence. Now his main focus is studying hardly to get more knowledge of programming.

Yunhao Guo is a first-year student at the University of British Columbia (UBC), currently majoring in Vantage Science with an intention to pivot toward Computer Science in his second year. He is particularly interested in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
