Planting Temperature Interferes with Cherry Radish Production Efficiency in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Our research is working on the best temperature for the growth of cherry radish. Temperature is one of the management techniques that most influences the quality of plants. This experiment was intended to analyze the effect of different planting temperatures on plant quality and production of cherry radishes. The research was conducted in 2023 and consisted of greenhouses of 18, 20, 22, and 24 degrees. The experimental design was controlled in four same greenhouses with same type of soil and water pouring frequency. Temperature for planting influenced the plant quality, production, and economic return. The growth temperature between 20 and 18 degrees allows the best production and quality of cherry radish. The results of this research could have useful implications for farmers to have a reference for planting temperature, which may allow for a greater growth efficiency and economic influence.
Rongze Wang is a first-year international student at UBC Vantage School. He is interested in learning Statistics and Mathematics. He likes to go skiing and listening to music. He also likes pets and wild animals.