Science Team 11

The Influence of the Moon Movement to the Tides at the Wreck Beach


As the closest planet to the Earth, the movement of the Moon has a crucial influence on the variation of the Earth’s tides. This experiment was an attempt to study the direct relationship between the Moon’s positions and the tides. Specifically, data was collected on the 24-hour variation of the moon and the 24-hour variation of the tides for four days in the month of May (1st, 10th, 20th, 30th). The relationship between the two of them was then analyzed by comparing the charts of moon’s altitude vs. time and tides vs. time. The results of this study surprisingly showed no direct connection between daily moon movements and tides. This study indicates that although the moon is the closest to the earth, the moon’s movements is not the only major factor that affects tides. Tidal variations might also relate to the shape of the Earth, the depth of the oceans, and the movement of the sun.


Keming Wu (Coco) is interested in physics, especially gravitational force and their influences. She is working on the methods that support the study and the discussion that analysis the results of the experiments.

Yutong Shi (Crystal) is interested in mathematics and data analysis. She focused on collecting the data and analyzing those data by visualization (comparing the movements of the moon with the change of tides).
